Laparoscopic Surgeon in Bangalore

“But Doctor, the Internet says so!”

Many of my patients google their ailments before they consult me. Is that a good thing to do? Recently I heard one of friends say “Google is God !” Actually reflecting on this statement it does have some truth, you never get a “Don’t know” from a google search. However all answers may not be […]

Explore distinction between Laparoscopy and Mini-Laparoscopy


Laparoscopic surgeons use modern technologies to perform operations through very small cuts (less than two centimeters).  Smaller cuts mean lesser pain and faster healing. What is Laparoscopy ? Laparoscopy is derived from a Greek Word, ‘Laparos’ meaning abdomen and ‘Scopy’ meaning to see inside. So indeed it is a means for the surgeon to visualize […]

Hernia Surgery is Simple Surgery

New age technologies like the 3D-Mesh are making Hernia surgery faster, simpler, safer and less painful. Here’s how. Surgery makes us shudder. The very thought of needles, pricks and pain and the idea of lying in bed for days makes no one happy. We worry about the outcomes of surgery, infection and how much time we […]

Daycare Surgery : What it is, and why it’s good for you

I know what you’re thinking: “Isn’t daycare meant for my kids? How is it connected to surgery?” Is Daycare Surgery  just a new fad, or is it truly patient friendly ? Let me help you understand it . What is Daycare Surgery ? Daycare Surgery means hospitalization for a few hours during which the surgery […]

A guide to Piles

Piles as it is commonly termed means a swollen blood vessel or “Ball”. Piles medically is termed Haemorrhoids, meaning “Blood Flowing”. What is Piles? Piles are actually swollen blood vessels in the lower part of the rectum and anal canal. In the initial stages the blood vessel which is swollen are internal and bleed when […]

Hernia : Frequently asked Questions

In this article, I try to address some of the most frequently asked questions abut Hernia. In a nutshell: Hernia surgery is safe, quick and simple ! What is a hernia ? A hernia is an abnormal protrusion of an organ or a part of the organ through a normal or an abnormal opening in […]

Diabetic Foot Ulcers : Prevent them, treat them right

Diabetic? Here’s why (and how) you have to take extra special care of your feet. A skin ulcer occurs when an area of skin has broken down and the underlying tissue can be seen. Most skin ulcers occur on the lower legs or the feet. In a normal person, the skin ulcer heals quickly after […]

What is an Anal fistula?

Anal fistula is a age old disease with multiple modalities of treatment in modern medicine,ayurveda, homeopathy and so on. Today we have a minimal access surgery for fistula called VAAFT – Video Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment.                                       […]

VAAFT Surgery : Video Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment

Today we have a new minimal-access technique to address complex, recurrent and high fistulas. What is an Anal Fistula ? An anal fistula is an abnormal connection between the anal canal and the outer skin of the anus. Fistulas occur when an infected anal gland bursts into the anal canal internally, and then becomes a conduit […]

I think I need an antibiotic now…

Infections such as common cold, body pain and fever are becoming frequent. Do we always need an antibiotic to get over it ? This is the question that always runs in our mind and its very easy for one to pop an erthyromycin or a ciprofloxacin. However this has far reaching implications… When antibiotics are […]